Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Syria: Emergency Response needed

Syria: A Heartbreaking Human Tragedy - YouTube:

I cannot apprehend the lives of these families in need. I can only imagine the absolute devastation of losing family, losing shelter, leaving a place you once called home and even then my imagination could never come close to the true pain of all of these events taking place.

Starting this Christmas, I am going to donate a percentage of my salary to Save the Children. Today I donated $50, it's not much, but hopefully if I continue working a lot, I can donate consistently.
Although you have to be 18, to register for paypal, I transferred money from my account to my dad's and used his account to donate to the charity - so if you are like me, and unable to directly pay for it yourself, you can just draw money out or transfer the money to a parents or 18+ person you trust.
Save the Children is a legitimate organisation that aid the children of these families - ensuring that they are provided with the basic necessities such as food and blankets, as well as programs that enable the children to cope with tragedy. How devastating is it.. that these children have experienced war, they've heard bombs rain down, they've lost the love and connection of a family member, they've been torn at such a young age.

Four million children, and countless Syrians are in need of assistance. I'm sick of sitting around, and being a teenager - too busy absorbed in my own life, my own petty and insignificant problems. There's a need for us to look broader, and search for those who need us the most.

I can't even begin to list all the things I take for granted, like simply being able to sit here and type, to wake up in a home, in a bed, in warm clothes, to feel secure, safe and loved. I have a family, a beautiful mum and dad, I have a home, clean and delicious water, food and more clothes than I will ever need. All the basic necessities that are so essential in aiding us as humans to grow and blossom. I really urge anyone reading this to help out, there are so many organisations that are in action, attempting to help all the refuges, some especially targeting families, children or the women (75% of the refuges).

All I can say is that I wish I had been able to help out earlier, but from today, I am determined to get somewhere, and I urge all of you to do the same.
'via Blog this'

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